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Sunday, August 23, 2009
15 quizzes I took when I was bored.. (=.=)~zzzzzzz
Hmmm.. Nothing much to post today.. Anyway, today I saw my sister busy scribbling on a paper when I actually noticed that it was my PMR Trial paper!!!! I was angry at her but when I saw her drawing I couldn't help laughing.. She certainly has the skills so I scanned her pictures to put it in my blog.. Here are the drawings of my annoying 6-year-old sister, Dharshiniee:
12:59 AM

Friday, August 21, 2009
(O.O) Finally a post!!!!!
Phew.. PMR Trial's over!!!!!! N i can finally post sumthin.. Its been a long time since I updated my blog.. So anyway since today is the last day of school (woohoo!! 1 week of computer!!!), I went to watch a movie with Phoebe and Xin Hui.. (It was Phoebe's idea.. She wanted to watch "UP" and she was really excited about it..) Its weird that Phoebe is actually interested in cartoons.. Anyway the movie was ok.. After the movie we walked around DP for a while n walked back to school.. N guess what????!!!???? My dad was waiting.. I was so nervous when i entered the car but surprisingly he didn't ask me anything.. Hehe.. I didn't really tell my dad that I was goin for a movie..

My crazy fren, Phoebe and me..
(This is taken quite long ago n its stolen from Pei Shan's blog.. Sry Shan.. So credits to Pei Shan..)

And this is my dear Xin Hui.. Nice pose..
(This is taken when we went to Stadthuys)

Disney PIXAR's UP movie poster

screenshot from the movie UP

Next is some shocking news I found about Toda-chan though I don't believe it...

The Rivalry Between Toda and Gakky

I don’t really know what’s happening between Aragaki Yui (21) and Toda Erika (20). A long time ago I heard that they are supposed to be good friends, but nowadays I often hear rumors about them being really big rivals as far as calling it the next "Sawajiri vs. Nagasawa" battle (which was a totally groundless rumor to begin with).

"They are really aware of each other as rivals now, even their birthdays aren’t more than 2 months apart from each other. In Code Blue they appeared together, but several people are saying that they didn’t talk with each other at all." A TV-Reporter explained.

Especially Toda seems to be in the focus of those rumors, claiming that she’s badmouthing Gakky and becoming a really arrogant actress to work with. "She’s certainly the type that gets her will no matter what. One magazine wrote that she even had the staff make a custom-made bento with less calories just to go with her diet. She’s only 20 now, so it’s probably going to become even worse when she gets older." A dorama staff commented about Toda.

As you can see, it’s worse than just not sharing words with fellow actress Gakky. The problem about Toda seems to be that she easily becomes a snobby person and already thinks of herself as a VIP.

"Back then during Code Blue, Toda totally couldn’t stand how Aragaki acted all cutesy around Yamashita Tomohisa just so he would like her more. It seems that Aragaki tried to stick really close to Yamapi and never stopped smiling at him while Toda just grumpily watched the whole thing from the side. The staff also says that Toda tried to avoid her at all costs and often badmouthed her from safe distance." That same TV-Reporter added to the matter.

Things get even more interesting when you look at their rumored love lifes. It’s already a widely-spread rumor that Toda is currently in a serious relationship with Kanjani Eight’s Murakami Shingo (27). Apparently they have been a couple ever since they worked together in the dorama Arigato, Okan.

"A woman magazine took pictures of her entering his apartment after the final celebrations for the end of the dorama Ryuusei no Kizuna. Since then they often have been spotted together coming and going at his apartment, so much that it’s basically impossible to deny that there is something going on between the two." A cameraman explains.

Now to the actual interesting part of the story and thanks for that other reporter from a woman magazine for revealing this little quote of Toda. As you might know, Aragaki has also been rumored to be in a relationship with a fellow actor, Miura Haruma (19) back then when filming Koizora. Now there’s a quote that is supposed to have been said by a very satisfied Toda when she heard about Aragaki’s love rumor. "I guess guys from Johnny’s are still far out of her reach after all." Isn’t she lovely?

Who knows how much of this is actually true, especially since it’s such a one-sided rumor. Maybe Gakky will also show more attitude in the near future and we will be able to see some more obvious sparks flying between these two amazing actresses.
(credits: kawaii-joyuu frm Asian Fanatics)

Toda Erika

Yui Aragaki (Gakky)

But do you believe this post after seeing this picture?

toda hugs gakky

And finally some bonus videos:

tegomass exchange letters

Tegoshi Yuya-Ai Nante

Tegoshi copies Domoto
1:50 AM

Friday, July 24, 2009
Today I feel like fangirling Tegoshi..


* Name: 手越祐也
* Name (romaji): Tegoshi Yuya
* Nickname(s): Tego, Tegocha, Tesshi, Tegorin, Tegonyan, Goshi
* Profession: Actor and singer
* Birthdate: 1987-Nov-11
* Birthplace: Kanagawa, Japan
* Height: 170cm
* Weight: 52kg
* Star sign: Scorpio
* Blood type: B
* Family: Mother, Father, pet dog Tinny (a papillon)
* School: Horikoshi Gakuen, Waseda Daigaku (Human Informatics and Cognitive Sciences, distance-learning)
* Talent Agency: Johnny's Entertainment


Tegoshi entered Johnny's during December 2002. He participated in various Johnny's Junior activities until, ten months later, he debuted as a part of NEWS. At the time of his debut, he was almost completely unknown. Even most of the members did not know who he was.

However, he gained popularity with his singing, which was one of the best in the group. He also started in acting, becoming the first member to star in a movie, and gained more roles in various Japanese dramas. He appeared with band members on Johnny's related television shows like Shounen Club and Ya-Ya-yah. He also hosted his own radio show, What a Wonderful Music. He is the self-proclaimed worst dancer but is considered one of the best, if not the best, singer in the group.

During NEWS's hiatus in 2006, he and bandmate Takahisa Masuda formed the duo Tegomass. They released the single Miso Soup in Sweden, recorded entirely in English, that reached #12 on the Swedish charts. In December of 2006, they released the Japanese Miso Soup single in Japan, which reached #1 on the Oricon charts.

Currently, he is once again working as a member of NEWS. He will also be working in Tegomass as they are scheduled to represent the Japanese High School Volleyball Tournament as well as contribute a song to the anime Lovely Complex.

TV dramas

* Hyoten 2006(2006)
* My Boss My Hero(2006)
* Gachibaka(2006)
* Gekidan Enigmono(2005)
* 15 Sai no Blues(2005)


* Happy Feet(2007) (Japanese dub)
* Shissou(2005)


* Tongari Corn
* Vermont Curry


* He introduces himself by putting his right hand palm out in front of his face, a gesture given to him by Tsuyoshi Domoto.
* During live performances he likes to twirl his index finger at the camera.(Lol :)
* He is considered spoilt by his bandmates and once forced Masuda onto a smaller bed in a hotel room.
* His bandmates often describe him as being "harmlessly self-centered." We would not get along well...)
* In an appearance on Domoto Kyoudai, he said that Tomohisa Yamashita was his most admired senpai because he saw Yamapi's dramas and thought that he was cool.
* He often hangs out with bandmates Takahisa Masuda and Keiichiro Koyama.
* It is well known that bandmate Ryo Nishikido likes him a lot, often doting on him and coining the nickname Tegonyan.
* His mother and grandmother post his posters all around the house.
* He gave Masuda the nickname Massu.
* He likes to bite his lips. (kyaa..)
* He is a fan of L'arc en ciel.
* He gets along well with Takahisa Masuda, so even on days off they go to the gym and train together, and go to a sentō afterwards.
* He has played soccer for over 10 years.
* He usually wears contact lenses.
* He owns a Papillon dog named Tinny, which he dotes on.(KAWAII~!!!)
* He has a driver's license.

He took the exam for Aoyama Gakuin where Kato Shigeaki studies, but he failed the test and instead passed the test for Horikoshi High School and is now in Waseda University studying Psychology.

He is called the RainMan because when doing photoshoots outdoors, he usually goes first and when he does, it always rains. It happened in the Hoshi wo Mezashite Jacket Photoshoot. In addition to this, when he was filming Gekidan Engimono it also rained. It also rained when they were filming the final scenes of Shissou even though the weather report said it was going to be clear and so they can't shoot the scene. The same thing also happened on the first day of My Boss My Hero. (LOL)

He has a dog named Tinny which he calls his girlfriend and that he spoils. His nickname for her is Tiny

He idolized Kimura Takuya of SMAP and has posters of him in his house and he wishes to have a duet with him one day.

He admires Celine Dion so much that he mimics her sometimes and has all her DVDS and watches her in reference to performing.

He always carries a LARGE box of perfume in his bag. (O.o LOL)

He always enters the Johnny's office with a "Yoo-hoo!" - Yamashita Tomohisa

He treats Koyama Keiichiro like his Oniisan and often goes out with him for Karaoke

He formed a "black hair alliance" with Nishikido Ryo and Ryo will only sing a duet with him if he reverts to his old black hair.

He has acrophobia, because he got stuck at a 4th floor of an apartment and somehow he needed to jump off. He landed safely but from then on, he got scared of heights.

He admits that he does not have Fashion Sense and asks Ryo to be his Fashion Guru.

Tegoshi tends to be clingy. He is clingy to everyone and often gives them hugs before he leaves for the day or in greeting.

Concerning dancing, Tegoshi took intense dance lessons with Massu during the hiatus because he was tired of people saying that he can't dance.

His favorite food is Yakiniku and would often invite people to join him to go there.

He is a text addict and texts everyone "Good Morning" and "Good night" everyday.

He speaks to Massu everyday after work/in the evening to check on him. Furthermore, TegoMass makes it a point to go out to do something together at least once a week to keep good friendship.

George Miller handpicked him for his role in Happy Feet. When asked why he chose Tegoshi Yuya, he answered "Because he is full of confidence, and it is the very element I want to enforce to the youth."

When taking pictures, Tegoshi calls his own shots piccasso like because he takes of the weirdest things and usually they come out blurry. (Tesshi hott hott hott!)

For Valentine's day, Tegoshi attempted to bake everyone in NEWS and the staff some cookies, and they came out tasting great but a little too hard. He describes his cookies as "tough love"

Tegoshi's locker is like a girl's because it has a lot of cute stuff in it, perfume, mirror and pictures of NEWS, TegoMassu, Koichi Senpai and it is very neat and colorfully arranged. -Massu

Tegoshi wrote the lyrics to Over,(composed by Kato Shigeaki and duet with Shige), and Trashbox. He is a budding lyricist and loves to come over Shige's house to compose songs.

Some bonus pictures of my dear Tegoshi..

And a short video of his phenomenal voice..

Here's a review for the latest J-movie I watched..

# みゅうの足パパにあげる
# Title (romaji): Myu no Anyo Papa ni Ageru
# Also known as: Myu will Give Daddy Her Legs
# Format: Tanpatsu
# Genre: Human drama, family
# Viewership ratings: 25.6
# Broadcast network: NTV


The drama is based on a true story of Yamaguchi Hayato (25), a young man who learns he has a rare illness known as CIDP, which affects the nervous system. He begins to lose the functioning of his limbs, but he is determined to fight the illness with the support of his wife and his 2-year-old daughter, Myu-chan.


* Matsumoto Jun as Yamaguchi Hayato
* Karina as Yamaguchi Aya
* Hatakeyama Rina (畠山彩奈) as Yamaguchi Myu
* Ishihara Yoshizumi as Iwade Taro
* Masana Bokuzo as Takagi Shuya
* Kasai Kenji as Yamaguchi Yasuyuki
* Otsuka Yoshie (大塚良重) as Yamaguchi Nobuko
* Morishita Tetsuo as Sakurai Yukio
* Watanabe Eri as Sakurai Mihoko
* Matsushige Yutaka as Kurose Kazuo
* Yamazaki Hajime as Nagamachi Keigo
* Kim Ji Sun (김지순, ちすん) as Sato Mina
* Nomi Tatsuya (能見達也)
* Okubo Ayano (大久保綾乃)
* Ko Yoshinori (康喜弼)
* Terada Yuki (寺田有希)
* Natsuaki Kayoko (夏秋佳代子)
* Nakamura Machiko (中村真知子)
* Fujiwara Toshiyuki (藤原寿之)

This movie is really meaningful.. I cried a lot for this movie (thnk god nobody was at home).. N Myu-chan is so cute.. It was hard to see MatsuJun crying cause each time he cries I cry too..
1:38 AM

Monday, June 8, 2009
I couldn't update my blog again because I was in Pek Yee and Pek Teng's house.. Kyaaaa.. Da anime convention at skool wasn't like how i expected at all.. I almost hate it.. First, there were so little people.. Second, it was freaking hot and third there wasn't much things to do.. *sigh* but i did take some shots of weird cosplays and of course our dearest Sheryl..

This is a pic i drew last nite.. was too bored.. hehe.. its ShiPan wearing Conan's outfit in Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure..

Nakayama, Yamada, Chinen form NYC Boys
Monday June 8, 2009 Japan

Last week, Johnny's Jimusho announced the formation of a new unit called "Yuma Nakayama with B.I.Shadow." Now, that group's five members will be teaming up with Hey! Say! JUMP's Ryosuke Yamada and Yuri Chinen to form a temporary seven-member unit known as "NYC boys."

The group made their first stage appearance on Sunday during a Johnny's Jr. concert. The name comes from the initials of Nakayama, Yamada, and Chinen. The "NYC boys" will serve as the special supporters of the Women's Volleyball World Grand Prix, which takes place from July 31 to August 23. The competition is being aired on Fuji TV, and the unit will sing the theme song, titled "NYC."

"NYC" is being sold as a double A-side with "Akuma na Koi," the debut single of Yuma Nakayama with B.I.Shadow. That release goes on sale July 15.
8:36 PM

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Just an ordinary holiday!!!!! (?)
I couldn't update my blog because I went to Seremban and KL.. *sighs*.. Its boring anyway so there is nothing much to talk about.. But I went to watch a movie in Mid Valley.. Well a childish movie of course.. Thnks to my 6 year-old sis *grunts*.. We watched Monsters vs Aliens in 3D.. That was the best part because it felt so real and it was my first time watching a movie in 3D.. It was so cool.. Haha.. Well that's it.. But the movie is still lame.. Kiddo stuff.. Anyway there'll be an anime convention at skool.. so those interested come to skool (SMK Infant Jesus Convent) k??? Entrance fee is RM 10 n its from 10am - 4pm.. I'll be cosplaying with Pek Yee n Pek Teng.. Me n Pek Teng will be coslaying............. Uh.. come n c 4 urself.. hehe..

Ja ne~
12:30 AM

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Morning.. Cool.. Arashi's new single, including the theme song of Sakurai's drama sells 230,000 on first day.. *kira kira*.

Arashi's 26th single "Ashita no Kioku/ Crazy Moon" sold 230,000 copies, and ranked 1st on the daily single ranking of 26th May. Arashi's previous single "Believe/ Kumori nochi Kaisei" sold over 500,000 copies in the first week, and is the best sold single in 2009 so far. The new single's first week sales is also expected to be high.

"Ashita no kioku" recorded in this single is the theme song of member Sakurai Sho's NTV drama "The Quiz Show", and is a medium number with lyrics intertwined with thoughts about un-erasable past and hopes for the future. "Crazy Moon" is on-air as the CM song for Kose's "Esprique Precious".
extract from asian fanatics

With "Gokusen: The Movie" less than a couple months away, a new announcement has revealed that six more actors from the drama's earlier seasons will be returning, including Shun Oguri and Mocomichi Hayami.

The movie is already known to focus on the cast of the show's third season, which aired in 2008. It was previously announced that Yuya Takaki, Haruma Miura, and Yuta Tamamori are part of the main cast. At the end of last month, it was also revealed that the second season's Kazuya Kamenashi was added to the cast.

Now, the number of returning alumni has again increased, adding three students each from the drama's first two seasons. Oguri will represent the first season, along with Yuma Ishigaki and Hiroki Narimiya. From the second season, Hayami will be joined by Teppei Koike and Keisuke Koide.

Although all six played delinquent students in their respective seasons, they have grown up to become respectable members of society. Together with Kamenashi's character, who has become a teacher in training, these graduates will lend their support to the beloved teacher "Yankumi," played by starring actress Yukie Nakama. This movie is said to be Nakama's last time to take on this role.

Filming for the movie finished on May 13. The picture opens in theaters on July 11.

Woohoo!!! *touches the sky* Takaki and Teppei-chan is coming back.. But I really wish Jin is in the cast too.. Haih..

Teppei Koike.. He's so cute.. :))

I wanted to include a picture of Ayumi Hamasaki's Next Level USB.. So here you go..

Cool isn't it?? Well thats all for today.. Ja ne~
6:41 PM

Snooooozeee... (+_+)
*yawns* Today has been a boring day.. Woke up at 8.30am.. N slept again at 10.30am.. hehe.. Such a boring day.. All I did today was eat, sleep n watch tv.. Such a lazy gal eh? hehe.. Today I watched KAT-TUN's RESCUE mv!!!!!!! Akanishi is just so kakkoii despite his nickname "Bakanishi" and his girly scream.. Hoho.. =3 Anyway, I saw Shugo Chara season 2 part 1 in JUSCO!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna get my hands on it soon.. Well, my mom sorta ban me from buying CDs eventhough stupid mid year exam is over.. T.T Haih.. Parents these days.. Sheesh.. And banzai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad's off to Kedah to visit his fren.. I'm free!!!!!!! So I'm gonna online the whole day tomoro.. Hehe.. I do feel a little guilty but its time to unleash my devil side..

Quotes of the day

-Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them.

-Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time.

A picture of Akanishi Jin

P.S. Do not spam no matter how tempting it may be.. (o.O)
5:38 AM

Friday, May 29, 2009
The End of a Horrible Schooling Day...
  • Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.

  • Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.

Well mid-year exam is over!!!!!!!!! I did my best for the exam but I know that I could hav done better.. All I can do is hope and pray.. Yay!! N hello holidays.. The sad thing about holidays is that I have to say goodbye to my friends.. T.T So heart-breaking.. Due to that, I went to DP with Geral n Kiran.. T'was fun.. We went to watch Terminator Salvation.. Eeww... It sucks.. Boring.. We almost fell asleep in da theatre.. *yawn*
2:24 AM